sexta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2008

For your safety

this message is addressed for turists and foreigners in Moz
As many of you know, crime in the Maputo and Matola areas has increased significantly. There has been a surge in violent crimes such as carjackings, bank robberies, armed assaults at ATMs, home invasions, and robberies of commercial stores. Violent crime has occurred in many areas of the city and at various times of the day and night. Some of the areas affected include multiple locations along the Marginal, the baixa, Julius Nyerere, Alto Maé, communities along the outskirts of Maputo, and in Matola. Additionally, violent criminal activity has increased in the Sommerschield area. Many of these incidents involve criminals armed with automatic weapons. Although no area of the city is designated off-limits to U.S. government employees, everyone is strongly encouraged to maintain a high level of security awareness and follow good security practices.


My first reflection

I hope all of you understand what I am going to say now, this is not any madness that comes from my mind, I am just trying to make use of my intellectual capabilities to help those who are lazy to do so, that´s why I apologize again.
I know there are some people laughin´at me and saying, this gay must be crazy, no, I am not crazy, really, I am a simple man like you, the only difference between me and you is that I am a black and you are white or red even yellow , I dont care.
But, even though, I respect you and I give or I will give all my support whenever you need.
written by:
Aunorius Andrews S.
in reflections of a survivor